3 Fun Ways to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Hey Weirdos! Another Blog post to go with this week's episode Recap, Reincarnation and Slowing Down time.

If you haven't listened to it yet...you will be a little lost on what this article is about. Here is a link to it:



Slowing down time a little bit is tricky when you are scared to get out of the same daily routine. Here are some easy ways to experience new things that may be a little scary for some but will be a gateway to getting out of your shell. 

1. Sing Karaoke!

 You don't have to go out anymore. You can do it in the comfort of your own home. It doesn't matter if you are a bad singer or not, it is still fun to do. YouTube makes it easy to connect your karaoke machine to the words on the screen. Grab a drink and have fun! I have had my karaoke machine for 3 years and I have to tell you that its been a good stress reliever when I have had a bad day to reset my mind and just have a good time. 

Here is the Karaoke I mentioned in the video and Amazon's best choice:

Karaoke Best Choice

Portable And Cheap 

The Cheaper option always comes with complications. I am the biggest cheapskate and I can tell you from experience that the stuff that is cheaper doesn't last as long. However, it's good if you don't use it alot and take good care of it. 

2. Get Fancy and Go Out! 

Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Vibes

Pearl Necklace

Don't Forget the Shoes

Who says you have to go to a formal setting to get fancy? Go out to dinner, go to a movie, or have a picnic on the bed of a truck. Dressing up makes us feel good, helps confidence, and makes for good memories.  Men feel good dressing up too! Here are some good finds I found for you. 

Suit and Tie Under $100

Frank Sinatra Vibes

Don't Forget The Shoes

3. Create a Vision Board

If you don't know exactly what you want out of life how will you get there? Find some things that will make you happy. Ask yourself, how will I get there? Will it require tiny steps and goals out of my comfort zone to get there? The answer is probably yes. Creating the vision board might be a bit out of your comfort zone to think about all of your goals and putting it out into the universe. Its just a tiny step to bigger things. 

Say you take an Uber and tell the driver I wanna take a trip to the mountains. Thats all you know. You didn't specify what mountain range or even what moutain to go to? That plan is flawed because you weren't specific on exactly what mountain to go to and you might end up at Splash Mountain Water Park instead of what you visualized in your head. You need to get painfully specific with your vision, the more your vision becomes clear the better you can plan on how to get there. 

Here are the materials to create a great vision board so you can clearly map out a plan to get to your vision.

Vision Board Kit 

Poster Board

I truly hope you found this article helpful in trying to get out of your comfort zone and start living life outside your box. Experience new things like a new soul and slow down time. Enjoy this life because we only have one shot at it. Be yourself and be weird!

Sara and Stacy Jo 

Those Weirdos From Michigan

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