Anxiety is a B*tch


Hey Weird Friends! I had a week last week. Fell off the wagon, was lazy, and ate like crap! Guess what? My anxiety went sky high too! I wonder why? (Sarcasm) Well it's because I didn't do all the things I should have been doing to take care of my mind, body and spirit. My heart rate was up all this week, I didn't focus, and it lead to laziness. The laziness gave me a sense of depression. This week...I am back at it! I made a promise to myself that one week of resetting is okay but I need to get back on track. So that is why no blog was up last week. So we now have two episodes up that goes futher into the Unabomber's mind and manifesto that was published in newspapers in 1995. Last week we talked about how technology is hindering human connection, but I believe that people are improving in that sense a bit more since the pandemic. This week we went further into the manifesto and Stacy talked about how deeply troubled this individual was with his thoughts and even though she didn't agree with him hurting people, she could relate to the lonliness and the inferior feeling he was talking about in the manifesto. Sara (me) just thought it was the words of a crazy nut. 

If you are interested in listening to either of these please check out our linktree: CLICK HERE TO LISTEN and if you would like please follow us on all the socials so you never miss an update.

So here is the thing. The Unabomber was a loner. He was deeply stressed, he was a genius, he probably didn't sleep much, and from his manifesto and the way it was written tells me he was highly anxious and unfocused. This lead him to believe many things that were untrue about a certain group of people and he believed in his own mind that he needed to kill to get his point acrossed.

That is the worse case scenario to let your anxiety/depression/lonliness get the best of you. We usually can't think straight, we are all over the place and unorganized, and we sometimes feel too lazy to get ourselves out of the hole that we sink into. I get it...I was just there...last week. Mindset isn't something you do once in a while. Its like taking a shower, you need to practice it everyday. Anxiety and depression sometimes don't always go away, but we can make a promise to ourselves to try to lessen it so we don't suffer. Suffering is optional. You are worthy and you are enough to live life happier. 

So lets go over some tools to help you calm Anxiety. If you came across this article by chance then you probably can relate somewhat to anxiety. Anxiety can result in many different problems in the body such as:

Diabetes and Weight Gain: From Stress Eating

High Blood Pressure

Digestion Problems

Heart Disease

Ways to Relieve Anxiety RIGHT NOW

Step #1 Breathe

Seems like the most easy thing to do but when your in a panic attack we often focus too much on the panic and not enough on breathing. Here is a tool to wear around to remind us and help us breathe. It is super light weight, doesn't make noise, and the point is to breathe in through the nose deeply and release the breath slowly into the necklace. It can also be helpful to quit smoking giving you the hand to mouth fixation. This will also help you with the grounding process and allow you to focus on the moment:

Order Here

Step #2 Meditation with Aromatherapy and Crystals

This maybe a little woo woo for some people. Trust me it was really hard for me at first to believe a few scents and crystals would help with this practice of going deeper into my already scary place of a mind. I think I was too scared to meditate and was afraid that I would be more anxious. When I got so deep into my dark place I was willing to try anything so I did it. Guess what? It took a lot of practice and when I got better it felt as if I took a power nap each time. It helps me focus, it helps me figure out the root of the problem, and get to know myself a bit. I will probably always have a problem slipping a bit but I can tell you that meditation has help me feel a bit better the more I take the time to do it.

Here is a meditation kit that will help enhance meditation and when I shopped for something to help with meditation I really loved that the candles had a 30-40 hour life span, and it has a positive message on each lid. Check it out!!

Order Here

Step #3 SLEEP!!

If you don't get enough sleep whether it be insomnia, bad diet, or overthinking...whatever! You may need something to help. Here is the thing I like about this concept of this sleep mask posted down below. It is light, it can give you a surround sound of relaxing music, blocks out any light so you can focus on keeping your eyes shut. I am a complete overthinker because of my general anxiety disorder...comes with the territory. So focusing on music or stories helps me stop thoughts that shouldn't be happening when I should be sleeping. Check out this bluetooth, washable, sleep mask and help improve your sleep today!

Order Here

Well as always I hope I helped you and I hope you have an amazing calming week! Please share us with all your friends that could use a little dark and light in their life! Peace out!

Sara and Stacy Jo

Those Weirdos From Michigan Podcast

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