3 Tools to Help You Turn Excuses Into Opportunities


Episode of the week:

Excuses To No Where

Hello weird friends and new friends! We hope that you had a great week. Us weirdos are back and we have revamped the podcast! We are now putting some messages that relate to our true crime and paranormal stories that may help make life, anxiety, or your mind just a bit brighter. So make sure to check out this week's episode on Aileen Wuornos and Elias Friske two killers that had excuses to do what they did. This is the worse case scenario, but the lesson that was learned in this story is if you aren't careful Excuses can devour you to the darkest place in your mind and we don't want that for you. We want you to be your best self. We want you to reach goals and not make excuses. We cheer people on when they succeed in life. Turn those excuses around to reason why you get to do it. Turn those excuses around to opportunities because opportunities lead to more opportunities. If everyone just stopped limiting themselves and reached their highest potential who knows where the world would be today. Make a difference and here is some tools to keep you motivated.



To train the brain is to remind it everyday why your excuses are bogus. There is nothing you can't achieve if you make your mind stronger and I absolute believe this with all my soul. You can turn all those excuses why you can't do something into opportunities. Those opportunities grow into more opportunities, and those opportunities become endless. Your mind limits you because there is a safety mechanism set in your brain that tries to keep us safe. It tells us no and because of that a unnecessary fear steps in. To stretch that part of the brain you have to ask yourself "Am I really going to be in danger if I am going to do ___?" If the answer is yes then don't, but usually the answer is no and you should totally try and do it. The first way we do this is reminding ourselves and here is something I found on Amazon to help remind us.



Sometimes the best way to keep accountable to ourselves and lower excuses is to continue education. Get a workbook and work through your goals and your vision. When you have a "Why" it makes it much easier to keep focused on the opportunity rather than the excuse. Its there and now you have to get it done.
Such as...A bride is getting married in 9 months and wants to look a certain way before the big day. She usually achieves her goal because her vision was bigger than her excuse. That can go for anything in life. 

When we have something to look at in the mirror and you say it out loud its going to be a good day. Nothing can hold you back. Words of encouragement especially from yourself does something to the brain that helps you take on the day. Its simple, its fun, and its easy. Not only that having the words of encouragement on your shirt will make people compliment you and want to strike up a conversation. You may even get an opportunity!! Lets look at some fun shirts that I found for you!

Hope you all found this fun and thanks for coming back to read my finds and if you are new here, WELCOME!! Thank you for taking your time to learn and grow just a bit from this tiny blog. If you don't find anything helpful here I have some other tools in other articles for making life easier you may want to check out. Have an AMAZING day and make it your goal to be kind to someone else today! Stars cannot Shine without Darkness.

Sara and Stacy Jo
Those Weirdos from Michigan

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